Office Network Design

Looking for Office Network Design?

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Why set up an office network design?

It’s time to install a network if your company uses more than five computer workstations and multiple printers. Networks help to facilitate effective employee cooperation, better use of resources, centralized management and centralized backups. Implementation of the network is not easy or cheap, but the productivity, security and stability benefits are enough to validate the move.
Networks enable your employees to share printers, scanners, fax machines, copiers and Internet connections. This allows you to buy one printer instead of five, not only sparing you the cost of buying 5 but also allowing you to dodge the constant maintenance costs.
An office network helps you protect your company from liability due to employee misuse as a shared Internet connection permits you to control Internet access with a firewall or a proxy server.
The design and construction of a network that best suits your office’s needs can make a world of a difference in your overall office work atmosphere.
Get in touch with us for further details regarding network design.

Office Network Design

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